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Hello We Are Sam & Aman,

The Local Backpackers!​

Collage of a couple travelling to different places
About us:

Welcome to our world of wanderlust and exploration! We are a travel-loving couple who share a passion for discovering new places, experiencing different cultures, and creating unforgettable memories. For us, travel is not just a hobby or a way to get out of our 9-to-5 jobs; it’s a way of life. We strongly believe that there’s magic in exploring new landscapes, connecting with local people from different walks of life, experiencing new adventures and immersing ourselves in unfamiliar traditions. Every destination we have traveled to has had its own story to tell, and we feel incredibly fortunate to be able to listen and learn from these stories firsthand. 

So here we are, Local Backpackers, bringing our experiences, travel guides and stories to your fingertips.

Our Story:

Our Journey began in Bangalore, India where we met in an advertising agency. We would take time off with friends, have spontaneous weekend getaways and travel as much as we could, given the long hours we used to work. Since we were kids, we both had already caught the travel bug and once we met and spoke about our worldview things were never the same. We realized we had a shared dream and an insatiable curiosity to see the world. From friends to life and travel partners our journey was an interesting one. In 2020, covid hit and we ended up in a 1.5-year long distance relationship between India and Canada. Being indoors made us realize how much we missed traveling, especially with each other. One thing led to another, and we eventually got married in 2021. We were living out of our suitcase and were out and about every weekend to a new destination. From royal cities of Rajasthan, India to small snowy towns in Canadian Rockies, from coast lines of Indonesia to Cobbled streets of Quebec City; from the mighty Himalayan range to magical forests of Tulum, Mexico, there was no looking back for us. Aman comes with his own unique approach to life, which differs from mine. Aman’s dreamy musings are grounded by my pragmatism and my apprehensions are mellowed by Aman’s sense of wonder. Our dynamic is one of balance, which has helped us build this travel blog.

Our Philosophy:

As a couple who share a deep bond with travel and each other, we genuinely believe that

"Vacations may come to an end, but Traveling is a lifelong process &
a never-ending Experience."

The idea of traveling like a local is part of our philosophy and we truly believe that. Use public transport, eat street food, find unique homestays, make friends with locals; and of course don’t miss out on all the adventures and sight-seeing.

We, as local backpackers, want to make a home for ourselves everywhere we travel by blending locally and taking away memories that will last us a lifetime.

Local Backpackers

To start a travel blog was not a spur-of-the-moment decision for us. After several months of conversations and 2 years of traveling, Local Backpackers was born. Both Aman and I (Sam) come from creative backgrounds. Aman is a designer, and I am a communications specialist. We intend to utilise our skills to create something beneficial for other fellow travellers and inspire them by sharing easy guides and travel tips.

From saying Hello to Bonjour..& Dhanyawad to Graciasthis is just the beginning of our travel stories. We are excited to narrate tales and share insights that will help us explore, learn, and grow together as we uncover the hidden treasures and extraordinary experiences that await us across the globe.